Description:This interface only defines the interface specification, the specific interface needs to be implemented by the developer
Interface address:The interface address is provided by the developer and can be configured on the platform by contacting the admin
Request method:POST

**Decrypted Request Parameters **

charsetStringRequiredCoding format, no special case, transfer parameter UTF-8
versionStringRequiredInterface version number, no special case,transfer parameter v2
sideStringRequiredNotice type, deposit notice: deposit, withdrawal notice: withdraw
notify_timeStringRequiredNotice time
request_idStringRequiredThe withdrawal request_id corresponds to the request in the withdrawal interface id
idStringRequiredWithdrawal ID
uidStringRequiredWithdrawal user ID
amountStringRequiredWithdrawal amount
withdraw_fee_symbolStringRequiredcoin of withdrawal service deposit
withdraw_feeStringRequiredService fee for withdrawal
fee_symbolStringRequiredcoin of miner fee
real_feeStringRequiredMiner fee
address_toStringRequiredDepositing address
created_atStringRequiredCreation time
updated_atStringRequiredRevision time
txidStringRequiredBlockchain transaction ID
confirmationsStringRequiredNumber of blockchain confirmations
statusStringRequiredWithdrawal status: 0 under review by risk control, 1 in payment, 2 audit rejection, 4 failed, 5 success, 6 cancelled , 7 pending KYT verification, 8 pending manual review (KYT risk level too high). Details refer to

Callback Response Parameters

Return string: