100001system error
100004request parameter is not valid
100005signature verification failed
100007illegal IP
100015merchant ID is invalid
100016merchant information expired
110004users are frozen and cannot withdraw money
110023mobile phone number has been registered
110037withdrawal address is at risk
110055correct withdrawal address for
110065user does not exist (used to obtain user balance, withdraw money, or transfer money)
110078withdrawal or transfer amount less than the minimum transfer amount
110087withdrawal or transfer amount is greater than the maximum transfer amount
110088please do not repeat the request
110089registered mobile phone number is incorrect
110101user registration failed
110161exceeds the maximum withdrawal support accuracy
120202currency is not supported
120206withdrawal second confirmation failed
120402insufficient balance in withdrawal or transfer
120403insufficient balance of withdrawal fee
120404withdrawal or transfer amount is too small, less than or equal to the commission fee
900006the user is at risk. Withdrawal is prohibited
3040006cannot transfer money to itself