If you wish to invite members within your organization to collectively manage your MPC Workspace system, you need to first add them as contacts and then assign them to the MPC Workspace you created.

Inviting as Contacts

To become a contact, users must:

  1. Have a ChainUp Custody account.
  2. Complete KYC verification.
  3. Bind and enable Google Authenticator.

Enable the Contacts Feature

Approach 1: Open the ChainUp Custody platform in your browser, use the Custody APP, scan the QR code on the homepage or cloud wallet using the “Scan” function, and click on “Contacts” on the list page.

Approach 2: Log in to the ChainUp Custody App, click on the profile picture, open account settings, and choose the “Contacts” feature.


Enter the Account

Enter the account (phone number/email) registered with the Custody system.


Successful Addition

When you successfully add a member, you can modify the user’s nickname and view the user’s role details in different workspaces or delete the user.

Inviting as an MPC Workspace Ordinary Member

Note for Inviting MPC Workspace Ordinary Members:

Only the MPC Workspace private key holder can add/delete workspace members.

When a ordinary Member joins the transaction approval flow, the member is automatically upgraded to an approver. For adding transaction approval flow, refer to Transfer Policy.


Use Team Management Feature

Log in to the Custody APP’s MPC Workspace, open the “Security” - “Team Management” feature.


Select MPC Workspace

Select the MPC Workspace you want to manage.


Add Member as MPC Workspace Ordinary Member

From your contact list, choose a user and add them as a ordinary member of the MPC Workspace.