curl -X POST \
--url 'https://custom-url/example-callback' \
--data '{

Co-Signer calls back to the client system to confirm whether the web3 transaction is normal before signing.

Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8

Callback Request Parameters

typeStringYesCallback type: sign_start for signature initiation, sign_success for successful signature
trans_idIntegerYesTransaction ID
request_idStringYesUnique identifier for the transaction
pending_roundBooleanYesAcceleration status: true for accelerated transactions, false for regular transactions
fromStringYesSender address of the transaction
toStringYesRecipient address of the transaction
amountDecimalYesTransaction amount. Use -1 for infinity
main_chain_symbolStringYesNetwork symbol (unique identifier), e.g., “ETH”
input_dataStringYesInput data for the transaction
interactive_contractStringYesInteractive contract
txidStringNoTransaction hash. Returned when the signature is successful
curl -X POST \
--url 'https://custom-url/example-callback' \
--data '{

Callback Response Parameters

Return string:

  • SUCCESS means SUCCESS: Co-Signer signs the transaction.
  • FAILURE means FAILURE: Co-Signer will ignore the transaction and not sign.