
The Custody Smart Contract Platform allows users to create and manage warm and cold wallet contracts across multiple blockchains using third-party wallets such as MetaMask and OKX Wallet. Combined with MPC wallet’s scheduling strategies, this setup enables cold and hot storage segregation and automated asset management.

The smart contract wallets created on the platform require a minimum number of approvals (M-of-N) before any transaction can proceed. For instance, if your organization has three key stakeholders, you can configure the wallet to require approvals from 2 out of 3 (2/3) or all 3 stakeholders before a contract proposal is finalized. This ensures that no single person can unilaterally compromise the security of the funds.

Most importantly, the contracts you create give you full control over your assets. The deployed smart contracts are entirely independent of any system influence and are exclusively controlled by the contract signers.


Create Contract

ChainUp Custody supports the creation of hot/cold wallet contracts for the following networks:

  • Ethereum
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • TRON
  • Huobi ECO Chain

Please note that you need to link to third-party wallets to create contracts, and the supported networks may vary between different wallets. For example, the platform only supports using TronLink and OKX for linking to the TRON network. Please choose the wallet that corresponds to the network of the contract you need to create.

Manage Contracts

Initiate Contract Proposals

Users can initiate the following types of proposals based on their needs. The proposal will only take effect once the number of confirmations meets the multi-signature threshold required for the contract.

Proposal TypeContract TypePurposeNotes
TransferHot Contract, Cold ContractManually initiate asset transfers within the contractTransfers can only be made to whitelist addresses.
Manage SignatoriesHot Contract, Cold ContractModify the administrator addresses and multi-signature thresholdIt is recommended to have more than one administrator and a multi-signature threshold >1.
Manage Multi-Signature ThresholdHot Contract, Cold ContractAdjust the multi-signature threshold of the contractIt is recommended to set the threshold >1 to ensure that multiple confirmations are needed for each proposal.
Add or Remove Whitelist AddressesHot Contract, Cold ContractDefine which addresses are allowed for transfersSince the contract can only transfer to whitelist addresses, ensure the required wallet addresses are added to the whitelist.
Add or Remove Vote-Free Transfer AddressesHot ContractDetermine which addresses are exempt from voting requirements

Please note that only the signers of the contract can manage contract information and initiate related proposals. Both the proposal publication and approval confirmation need to be broadcast on-chain and require a minor fee.

Edit Contracts Information

You can edit label information at any time, such as contract names, signatory notes, and address notes, to make it easier to use the contract.

This information is stored only on your local device. If you clear local cache or switch devices, the historical label information will be cleared.