I. Function Introduction

Once users have configured auto-sweep rules, the Custody system will execute corresponding sweeping operations according to the specified sweeping strategy. This will result in assets from general addresses meeting the auto-sweep conditions being transferred to the Omnibus Wallet. In cases where a general address meets the auto-sweep conditions but lacks gas fees, funds will be transferred from the Gas Station address to the general address.

Prerequisites for Using the Feature

Please ensure that the workspace is not expired, as expiration will render all wallet-related business functions unusable.

Ensure that API and Co-Signer configurations are completed to ensure the normal operation of the API, thereby enabling the auto-sweep function to execute smoothly.

Please upgrade the App version to 6.4.5 or higher.

II. Operation Procedure

The sweeping function can only be executed after it is 100% configured.


Configuring Omnibus Wallet and Gas Station

Use the Custody App to scan the QR code and configure the Omnibus Wallet and Gas Station through the “Auto Sweep” feature on the Custody web platform.


Confirming Wallet Configuration

Do not set the same wallet as both the omnibus wallet and gas station at the same time.

After submitting the configuration request, it needs to go through the workspace strategy approval. Once approved, the sweeping strategy will be automatically created and the sweeping feature will be enabled.

If your workspace has not enabled the TRON Automatic Delegation Feature, the system will automatically enable the delegation feature when you submit the sweeping configuration to help you save on the TRON network sweeping costs.


Determining the Sweeping Scope

Decide which wallets’ assets will be swept.

Important Note

Omnibus Wallets and the Gas Station can be included in the sweeping scope.

If your wallet has multiple addresses with assets that need to be swept, all assets of the wallet’s addresses will be included in the sweeping scope.


Sweeping Strategy

The sweeping strategy is automatically generated and enabled. The sweeping strategy may encounter anomalies:

  1. The Omnibus Wallet is not configured

  2. The Omnibus Wallet has not generated addresses

  3. The Omnibus Wallet addresses are not encrypted, requiring signature by the workspace owner or admin even after the strategy is enabled

  4. Insufficient gas fees

You can access the list of Auto Sweep Destination Address and Refueling Withdrawal Address to check the encryption status of each address. Both admins and creators can handle addresses that are not generated or not encrypted with a single click.


Configuring Notification

Once the system detects:

  1. Lack of network’s native token for sweeping, and/or

  2. The Omnibus Wallet lacks addresses: The Omnibus Wallet has not generated encrypted sweeping network addresses, resulting in assets being unable to be successfully swept

Reminder emails will be sent to the set notification email address to ensure that you are promptly informed and can take necessary actions.

Key Steps and Notes

Co-managers can set up to 5 different notification email addresses in the system.

Editing and modifying email addresses require GA verification.

IIII. Frequently Asked Questions