Decrypted Request Parameters

charsetStringYesEncoding format, no special circumstances, pass parameter utf-8
sideStringYesNotification type: Receive notification: deposit, Transfer notification: withdraw, Web3 transaction notification: web3-trans
notify_timeStringYesNotification time,example:2022-11-02 11:04:05
idStringYesreceiving id
sub_wallet_idStringYeswallet id
symbolStringYesThe unique identifier of the coin, example: USDTERC20
amountStringYesreceiving amount
created_atStringYesCreated time timestamp, example: 2006-01-02 15:04:05
updated_atStringYesModified time timestamp, example: 2006-01-02 15:04:05
address_fromStringYesfrom account address
address_toStringYesto account address
memoStringNoto account address memo,example:123321
txidStringYesTransaction hash
confirmationsIntegerYesNumber of block confirmations,example:10
statusIntegerYesReceiving status: 1000 Unconfirmed, 1010 Pending KYT Verification, 1020 Pending KYT Manual Processing, 1800 Transaction Retrace, 1900 Withdrawal Unlock, 2000 Completed (Credited Completed), 3000 Abnormal. Details refer to
base_symbolStringNoThe unique identifier of the network of the coin to be received, example:ETH
contract_addressStringNoreceived coin’s contract address
tx_heightLongYesBlock height at which the transaction is completed