Decrypted Request Parameters

charsetStringYesEncoding format, no special circumstances, pass parameter utf-8
sideStringYesNotification type: Receive notification: deposit, Transfer notification: withdraw, Web3 transaction notification: web3-trans
notify_timeStringYesNotification time,example:2022-11-02 11:04:05
idStringYestransfer id, example: 12345
request_idStringYesThe unique identifier for transferring coins
sub_wallet_idStringYesSub wallet id
symbolStringYesThe unique identifier of the coin, example: USDTERC20
amountStringYestransfer amount, for example: 1.23
fee_symbolStringYesgas fee coins,example:ETH
feeStringYesgas fee,example:0.00123
real_feeStringYesThe actual gas fee consumed,example:0.00111
created_atStringYesCreated time timestamp, example: 2006-01-02 15:04:05
updated_atStringYesModified time timestamp, example: 2006-01-02 15:04:05
address_fromStringYesfrom account address
address_toStringYesto account address
memoStringNoto account address memo,example:123321
txidStringYesTransaction hash
confirmationsIntegerYesNumber of block confirmations,example:10
statusIntegerYesTransfer status: 1000 Awaiting approval, 1010 KYT Verification In Progress, 1100 Approved while awaiting signature, 1200 Payment in progress, 2000 Payment completed, 2100 Not Approved, 2101 KYT Verification Rejected, 2200 Rejected, 2300 Transaction discarded, 2400Payment failed. Details refer to
transfer_sourceIntegerYesTransfer Type:1app, 2openapi
base_symbolStringNoThe unique identifier of the netwo rk of the coin to be transferred, for example: ETH
contract_addressStringNoTransfer coin’s contract address
tx_heightLongYesBlock height at which the transaction is completed