Decrypted Request Parameters

charsetStringYesCharacter encoding format. Use utf-8 unless specified otherwise.
sideStringYesNotification type: Receive notification: deposit, Transfer notification: withdraw, Web3 transaction notification: web3-trans
notify_timeStringYesNotification time in the format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss”
idStringYesDeposit ID
request_idStringYesUnique identifier for the transfer
sub_wallet_idStringYesWallet ID
main_chain_symbolStringYesMain chain coin symbol (unique identifier), e.g., ETH
symbolStringNocoin symbol (unique identifier), e.g., USDTERC20
amountStringYesTransaction amount
created_atStringYesCreation time in the format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss”
updated_atStringYesModification time in the format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss”
address_fromStringYesSender address
address_toStringYesRecipient address
txidStringYesTransaction hash
confirmationsStringYesNumber of confirmations
statusStringYesTransfer status: 1000: Not approved, 1100: Approved, waiting for signature, 1200: Payment in progress, 2000: Payment completed, 2100: Approval rejected, 2200: Rejected, 2300: Transaction dropped, 2400: Payment failed
interactive_contractStringYesInteractive contract
fee_symbolStringYesFee currency symbol, e.g., ETH
feeStringYesFee amount
real_feeStringYesActual fee consumed
input_dataStringYesHexadecimal data representing the parameters of the contract transaction
trans_typeStringYesTransaction type: 0: Authorization transaction, 1: Transfer transaction
dapp_imgStringYesDapp image
dapp_nameStringYesDapp name
dapp_urlStringYesDapp access URL
tx_heightLongYesBlock height at which the transaction is completed