Function Introduction

After completing the KYT (Know Your Transaction) configuration, the system will automatically process transaction orders that match the KYT rules based on your settings. You can view the transaction results through the KYT service. If certain transactions require manual approval, you can go to the task list to view and handle the relevant KYT tasks.

1.The system cannot actually prevent high-risk deposit funds from being broadcasted and recorded on the blockchain at the blockchain level. The platform will fulfill its notification obligations and require clients to understand and take appropriate actions based on the specific risk information provided by the KYT service provider.

2.Please ensure that KYT manual reviews are completed in a timely manner. If there are any pending KYT review tasks for a wallet, the transaction activities of that wallet will be restricted.

Operation Procedure

View KYT Orders


View in KYT-KYT Orders

You can view all KYT orders under your current workspace in KYT-KYT Orders.


View Details

Click on the order to view order details.


View in Transaction Information

Your KYT-verified orders will also be displayed in the transaction information.

Handle KYT To-Do


View in To-Do

You can view the KYT to-do items that need to be handled in To-Do.


KYT Status

KYT(Know Your Transaction)包含以下几种状态:

KYT Verification in Progress:

  • Verification in Progress: Your business has created a KYT order and submitted it to the KYT service provider, and it is currently being verified. You need to wait for the service provider to return the verification result.

  • Verification Timeout: The KYT verification submitted by your business has timed out, and the system will generate a KYT verification timeout task.

KYT Manual Processing:

  • If your transaction order times out, or if the KYT risk level of the transaction order requires manual review, any member of the wallet can process the KYT result for that transaction. If your configured payment handling method is ‘manual processing,’ and no action is taken, assets corresponding to the pending KYT processing will not be transferable or swept.

Manual Review for Receive Order

  • Confirm the Fund: The transaction amount will be recorded as an asset change, the payment transaction status will be updated to ‘successful,’ and both auto sweeping and transfer operations will be enabled.

  • Return the Fund: A refund request is initiated, and the user can select the return address and amount. Once the refund is successful, the payment status will be updated to ‘Refunded.’

Manual Review for Transfer Order

  • Allow Transfer: Transfer is allowed, and the transaction proceeds to the next step.

  • Reject Transfer: Transfer is not allowed, and the process is terminated.

Reject Transfer:

  • If the KYT risk level strategy for a transfer order is set to “Reject Transfer,” the system will automatically terminate the transfer process when the order matches this risk level.

Allow Transfer:*

  • If the KYT risk level strategy for a transfer order is set to “Allow Transfer,” the order will automatically proceed to the next step when it matches this risk level.

Frequently Asked Questions